From the Perspective of Chicago Semester Social Work Students

From the Perspective of Chicago Semester Social Work Students

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Ending the semester at Emerson Elementary School by Jenny Henscheid

Well there are about two weeks left in the semester and boy did it go by fast! As a reminder for all of you reading this, I am interning at an elementary school as a school social worker. A school social worker focuses on helping students identify their feelings and the feelings of others; manage their emotions; and problem solve effectively. At my internship, my supervisor and I strive to give our students the opportunity to practice these skills in a safe environment, so that they will be able to use them with confidence both in and out of the classroom. 

We all know that “Bullying” is a hot topic right now. As part of my graduation requirement, I am creating a Bully Prevention Program Manual that will hopefully be implemented in the school. This curriculum guidebook will include seven lesson plans/modules for elementary/middle school that pertain to bullying. While working on this manual, I have been creating posters and bulletin boards to bring awareness to the school. 

Over the last few days, I have been letting the students know that I will be leaving soon. They have been telling me that they do not want me to leave and that they are going to miss me. I am going to miss these children so much. They all have something so special and unique about them. Participating in the Chicago Semester program has been a wonderful opportunity!

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