From the Perspective of Chicago Semester Social Work Students

From the Perspective of Chicago Semester Social Work Students

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Brian Walsh Lecture

What is a home-maker to you? Today we at Chicago Semester had the opportunity to hear about a new, more Biblical definition of home-maker than we have been used to. Brian Walsh, coauthor of Beyond Homelessness spoke of home, homelessness and homecoming.

Brian began by speaking about how home is rooted in the Biblical story and covenant of God. He told the arc of the Biblical story with this concept in mind,  meaning that God is a home-making and home-loving God. This means God partners with his image bearers to restore the home that has been defiled by sin.

Brian went on to talk about our role as Christians in this restoration. He closed with a story about a former student of his. She asked a director of a local charity what she should be doing to help. The man replied that he did not want her volunteerism or her pity for people. Instead he wanted her to be a home-maker in her suburban community.

This meant she opened her home to those around her, inviting them to gather and enjoy community there. She should invite children from the community to play in her yard and eat cookies and milk. If she opened her home for these joyous and simple activities, people would know it was also open if they had trials or frustrations as well.  So the boy thinking about running from home might come to her, or the man so frustrated that he didn’t know what to do might ask her to help, or the woman so flustered that she didn’t know where to turn would have a support. This definition of home-making challenges us to be attentive and to look with eyes opened. We are to be this kind of Biblically defined home-maker in our communities.

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